( 100% ) Waterproof Sealing Earplugs

Personal (6) Pack - 6 Pairs
The Personal Pack with 6 pairs is a (lower cost per pair). They're wonderfully comfortable and 100% waterproof. Made from all-natural ingredients, they're especially reusable and each pair can be worn 25 to 35 times. They're perfect for swimming, surfing & bathing.
The Personal Pack with 6 pairs is a (lower cost per pair). They're wonderfully comfortable and 100% waterproof. Made from all-natural ingredients, they're especially reusable and each pair can be worn 25 to 35 times. They're perfect for swimming, surfing & bathing.
- On Sale:

Large "Family" Pack - 32 Pairs in 32 Boxes
Get Mighty Plugs for the whole family, friends, co-workers or for your employees. It makes a great "counter display" in your store, and the "perfect gift" for birthdays and holidays. Made from the highest blocking material, our earplugs go beyond just swimming. They're perfect for work, loud music, sleeping, shooting and life.
Get Mighty Plugs for the whole family, friends, co-workers or for your employees. It makes a great "counter display" in your store, and the "perfect gift" for birthdays and holidays. Made from the highest blocking material, our earplugs go beyond just swimming. They're perfect for work, loud music, sleeping, shooting and life.
- On Sale:

"Love this product, I would not be able to go swimming without them. Due being extremely prone to getting ear infections. Been using for many years and there is nothing better that exists, tried many other products before these, just brilliant... Thank you"
- Mark Widdowson - UK
- Mark Widdowson - UK
"B.P., THANK YOU!!!! I am a swimmer and have been for 30 years, 60 minutes a day. I have suffered through (swimmer's ear) numerous times; sometimes with considerable pain. Your ear plugs are a wonder! With all the hype that surrounds most products, one becomes numb to most claims, but you indeed make "the BEST ear plugs in the world", and I THANK YOU"
- Peter Bice - USA
- Peter Bice - USA